The Alamo Timeline
Timeline Description: The Battle of the Alamo is a heroic moment in the movement for Texas independence. A small group of men fought to the death to maintain control of the San Antonio fortress. While they were not successful and the Alamo fell, it remains a key moment in the fight and in American history.

Date Event
February 8, 1836 Volunteers Arrived at the Alamo

Volunteers arrived at the Alamo, including David Crockett, Jim Bowie, and commander of the enlisted forces, William B. Travis.
February 23, 1836 General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Arrived in San Antonio

General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and his troops arrived in San Antonio and began siege preparations at the Alamo. Texan forces retreated into the Alamo.
February 24, 1836 Travis Assumed Command of the Alamo

On February 24, 1836, Travis officially assumed full command of the Alamo. He had previously been the commander of the enlisted forces, while Jim Bowie commanded the volunteer forces. Jim Bowie died after a short illness on the 24th of February.
February 25, 1836 First Engagement

The first engagement of the Battle of the Alamo officially occurred on the 25th. Santa Anna's forces attempted to take over outbuildings on the southwest corner of the compound. The forces defending the Alamo burned these buildings. Aware that Travis needed help, a group of reinforcements left Goliad led by Fannin.
February 26, 1836 Fannin Returned to Goliad

The weather turned cold on the 26th. Faced with news of new troop advancements, Fannin returned to Goliad. The promised help would not, therefore, reach the Alamo.
February 27, 1836 Siege Preparations Continued

Siege preparations continued on February 27. Santa Anna sent troops to nearby ranches in search of additional provisions.
February 28, 1836 Cannonade

On day 6 of the siege, Santa Anna's troops began an extensive artillery attack on the Alamo.
February 29, 1836 Santa Anna Attempted to Prevent Arrival of Troops

By February 29, 1836, Mexican troops fully encircled the Alamo. Santa Anna sent out some troops to stop Fannin's expected reinforcements. Civilians may have been allowed to leave the Alamo.
March 1, 1836 Gonzales Sent Help

Some 32 reinforcements arrived from the town of Gonzales to help defend the Alamo.
March 2, 1836 Texas Government Declared Independence

On March 2, unbeknownst to the fighters in the Alamo, Texas declared its independence from Mexico.
March 3, 1836 Travis Sent Final Appeals for Help

Travis sent out final appeals for help on the 3rd of March, after receiving a letter stating that he should hold out and keep waiting for help. On the same day, Santa Anna received some 1100 reinforcements.
March 4, 1836 Artillery Attack Continued

The prolonged artillery attack on the Alamo continued. Santa Anna moved artillery closer to the Alamo, intensifying the attack.
March 5, 1836 Final Attack Planned

On March 5, 1836, Santa Anna informed his officers of the planned attack the following day. According to tradition, Travis offered his men the choice of staying or leaving the Alamo at this time.
March 6, 1836 The Fall of the Alamo

The Alamo fell on March 6, 1836. The battle took only 90 minutes. The bodies of the men who defended the Alamo were burned by Santa Anna and his men. Women, children, and a slave owned by Travis, were spared.
May 14, 1836 Santa Anna Signed the Treaty of Velasco

Santa Anna signed the Treaty of Velasco, ending hostilities. Mexican troops withdrew south of the Rio Grande River.