Irregular Present Tense Verbs in Spanish

In [lesson 5 - Present tense verbs] you saw how to conjugate verbs in the present tense. The vast majority of verbs in Spanish follow those rules. There are a limited number of irregular verbs that do not follow these patterns. Luckily, some of these verbs still follow patterns - though there are a handful that you just have to memorize.

Irregular verbs fall into two categories:
1. Verbs with an irregular yo form
2. Completely irregular verbs

1. Verbs with an irregular yo form
These verbs have a different yo form, but are conjugated regularly otherwise.

VerbYo form
caber [to fit]quepo
caer [to fall]caigo
dar [to give]doy
hacer [to do]hago
poner [to put/place]pongo
saber [to know]
traer [to bring]traigo
ver [to see]veo

If these verbs are combined with a prefix to form a new verb, the compound verb also uses this yo form. (for conponer, deshacer, disponer, distraer, proponer, rehacer, reponer, suponer)

2. Verbs irregular in all forms These four verbs are easy to remember even though they are irregular - they are some of the most commonly used verbs in the Spanish language! Plus, even though they are irrgular, some patterns can still be seen - the tú form ends in -s, the nosotros form ends in -mos, the ellos/ellas/usteded form ends in -n, etc.

ser [to be]
yo soynosotros somos
tú eresvosotros sois
él, ella, usted esellos/ellas/ustedes son
estar [to be]
yo estoynosotros estamos
tú estásvosotros estáis
él, ella, usted estáellos/ellas/ustedes están
ir [to go]
yo voy nosotros vamos
tú vas vosotros vais
él, ella, usted vaellos/ellas/ustedes van
haber [to have (done)]
yo hénosotros hemos
tú has vosotros habéis
él, ella, usted haellos/ellas/ustedes han

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