Grammar : Subject - Verb Agreement Quiz

*Theme/Title: Subject - Verb Agreement
* Description/Instructions
The subject of your sentence and its verb must agree. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. You have to look carefully when there are other words in between them.
Subjects joined by and are compound subjects and usually plural.
Singular subjects joined by or or nor take a singular verb.
If one subject is singular and one is plural, the verb agrees with subject closest to it.
Some indefinite pronouns (anyone, everyone, someone, no one, nobody) are always singular.
Other indefinite pronouns (all, some) can be singular or plural depending on whether the thing referred to countable or not.
One indefinite pronoun (none) can be either singular or plural unless something else in the sentence determines its number.
Some indefinite pronouns (everyone, everybody, and each) are always singular even though it’s tempting to use a plural with them
Phrases introduced by together, as well as, or along with will modify the earlier word but will not make the subjects compound (as and would do).
The pronouns neither and either seem to refer to two things, but they are singular and require singular verbs.
Choose the correct verb tense for each sentence.

Group: Grammar Grammar Quizzes
Topic: Grammar

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