Average Acceleration Formula

Average Acceleration Formula

Acceleration is the rate of change for velocity, that is, change in velocity over a specified period of time. Average acceleration is the final velocity minus the initial velocity per time taken.

Aavg = Δv / Δt

Aavg = Average acceleration, m/s2

Δv = vf - vi, m/s

Δt = tf - ti, s

Average Acceleration Formula Questions:

1) Your friend's new car can go from 0 to 60 m/s in 7 sec. What is the acceleration?

Answer: The final velocity, vf = 60 m/s; the initial velocity, vi = 0; the final time, tf = 7 sec; and the initial time, ti = 0.

Aavg = Δv / Δt

Aavg = (60 m/s) / 7 s

Aavg = 12.86 m/s2

2) When driving along a side-road at 45 m/s, you see a child run out into the street, and rapidly slow to 3 m/s, within 1.5 sec. What is your acceleration?

Answer: The final velocity, vf = 3 m/s; the initial velocity, vi = 45 m/s; and the time, t = 1.5 sec.

Aavg = Δv / Δt

Aavg = (3 m/s - 45 m/s) / 1.5 sec

Aavg = (- 42 m/s) / 1.5 sec

Aavg = - 28 m/s2

Notice, the negative sign, indicating the object slowed down.

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