Moon Phases Facts

Moon Phases Facts
Moon Phases refers to the different appearance of the Moon as seen from Earth. There are 8 main phases of the moon: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. These phases repeat themselves about once every 29.5 days.
Interesting Moon Phases Facts:
Because the moon takes almost the same amount of time to complete one revolution as it does one rotation, we see mainly the same side of the moon at all times.
During a new moon phase the moon seems to disappear but actually the Sun is shining on the opposite side of it.
When the Moon, Sun, and Earth line up, an eclipse occurs.
The path the Moon takes around the Earth is said to be in the shape of an ellipse.
The moon takes about 27.3 days to orbit the Earth.
If you were above Earth looking down from the North Pole, the Moon will be moving counterclockwise around Earth.
The Moon is said to be 4.5 billion years old.
The Moon is about 250,000 miles away from Earth.
On average the Moon moves at 2,288 miles per hour around Earth.
If you were able to travel by car to the Moon, it would take you 130 days to get there.
It is a misconception that the Moon gives off light when actually it is reflecting the Sun's light.
If there was no Sun, then we would not be able to see the Moon and Moon Phases would not exist.
Sometimes in February there is no full moon phase.
When there is more than one full moon in one month, it is referred to as a Blue Moon.
Because tides are related to the gravitational pull of the Moon, more tide activity occurs during a full moon.

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