Kohlrabi Facts

Kohlrabi Facts
Kohlrabi is a flowering plant that belongs to the cabbage family. It originates from northwestern Europe (probably Germany), but it can be found around the world today. Kohlrabi grows in regions with cool climate, on fertile, well-drained soil, exposed to direct sunlight. Just like many other types of cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collards green and kale), kohlrabi is made artificially, via selective breeding of wild mustard plant. Kohlrabi was initially cultivated in Europe, before it was introduced to North America during the 19th century. People cultivate kohlrabi mostly as a source of food.
Interesting Kohlrabi Facts:
Kohlrabi is odd-looking plant. It has thick, roundish stem that can reach 6 to 18 inches in height, depending on the variety.
Kohlrabi develops big, cabbage-like leaves with irregular wavy edges and long petioles. They can be green or purple-greenish colored.
Kohlrabi produces yellow or white-colored flowers arranged in the cross-shaped (cruciform) clusters on top of the flowering stalks.
Fruit of kohlrabi is 4 to 5 inches long seedpod filled with small seed.
Kohlrabi propagates via seed. Farmers often plant kohlrabi two times per year (during the spring and autumn). Plant is ready for the harvest usually 55 to 60 days after sowing.
Depending on the cultivar, kohlrabi can reach 2 to 4 inches in diameter and 5 ounces of weight. It remains edible 30 days after the harvest (when stored in the refrigerator).
Kohlrabi is not root vegetable. Edible part of the plant is bulbous, modified stem which grows above the ground.
There are two main varieties of kohlrabi: white (light-green colored) and purple. Color of the cultivar refers to the color of the stem (skin on the surface). All varieties of kohlrabi have creamy-white flesh (regardless of the color of the skin).
Name "kohlrabi" originates from German words: "kohl" which means "cabbage" and "rube" which means "turnip". Name of the plant refers to the origin of kohlrabi (wild cabbage) and turnip-like taste of this vegetable.
Kohlrabi is rich source of vitamin C and vitamins of the B group and minerals such as copper, calcium, potassium and magnesium. 100 g of raw kohlrabi contains only 27 calories.
Young, fresh kohlrabi has sweet, rich flavor that resembles a mix of radish and a cucumber. It has juicy, crispy texture. Over-matured kohlrabi is woody and unpalatable. Kohlrabi can be consumed fresh or used for the preparation of various soups and dishes made of meat.
Leaves and leaf stalks of kohlrabi are also edible. They are sometimes used for decoration of the prepared dishes.
Some varieties of kohlrabi are cultivated as food for cattle.
Kohlrabi contains substances that can prevent development of certain types of cancer.
Kohlrabi can be cultivated as annual (lifespan: one year) or biennial (lifespan: 2 years) plant.

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