Goldenrod Facts

Goldenrod Facts
Goldenrod is herbaceous plant that belongs to the aster family. There are 100 to 120 species of goldenrods. Most species originate from North America, and just few from South America and Eurasia. Goldenrods can be found in the hills, meadows, forests, salty marshes, areas near the roads and rocky terrains. They prefer infertile, sandy soils and areas that provide enough sun. Goldenrods quickly occupy new habitats and often prevent growth of native plant species (they are invasive in many habitats). Despite that, goldenrods are often cultivated and highly prized garden flowers in Europe today.
Interesting Goldenrod Facts:
Goldenrod has slender stem that produces numerous branches in the upper part of the plant. It can reach 2 to 6 feet in height.
Goldenrod produces simple, lanceolate or oval, thin leaves. They are serrated on the edges and alternately arranged on the stem.
Goldenrod develops yellow, fragrant flowers densely packed in pyramid-shaped clusters on top of the plant. Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (bisexual).
Goldenrod starts to bloom late in the summer (it announces the autumn). Colorful flowers are rich source of nectar which attracts bees, butterflies and wasps that play important role in the pollination of this plant.
Fruit of goldenrod is dry, single-seeded cypsela. Fruit is cylindrically shaped and covered with hairs which facilitate wind-induced dispersal of seed.
Goldenrod can be propagated via seed and rhizome sprouts.
Scientific name of goldenrod, "solidago", originates from Latin word "solidare" which means "to make whole". Name refers to the fact that goldenrod has excellent potential to heal the wounds. This plant is also known as woundwort.
Young leaves and seed of goldenrod are edible. Flowers are also edible, but they are more commonly used for the preparation of tea.
Goldenrods are used for the manufacture of dark-colored, delicious honey.
Cultivated varieties of goldenrods are usually smaller and they produce more flowers that last longer. They also spread less aggressively than wild plants. Besides in the garden, goldenrods are often used in floristry for the preparation of various bouquets, floral arrangement and wreaths.
Thomas Edison made tires for the car (Ford Model T) using the rubber extracted from the leaves of goldenrods.
Flowers of goldenrods were used as a source of yellow dye in the past.
Native Americans chewed leaves of goldenrods to alleviate symptoms of toothache. They used root in treatment of sore throat and tea in treatment of fatigue.
All parts of goldenrods that grow above the ground have medical properties. Leaves and flowers are especially popular and often used in treatment of kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Besides that, goldenrods are used in treatment of internal bleeding, diabetes, hay fever, inflammation and indigestion.
Goldenrod is perennial plant which means that it can survive more than 2 years in the wild.

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