Chaste tree Facts

Chaste tree Facts
Chaste tree is shrub or small tree that belongs to the mint family. It grows natively in the southern parts of Europe and central Asia, but it can be found in areas with temperate and subtropical climate around the world today. Chaste tree grows on the well-drained soil in areas that provide plenty of sun. Despite many medical properties of this plant, it is mostly cultivated in ornamental purposes today (it is an excellent choice for xeric and butterfly gardens).
Interesting Chaste tree Facts:
Chaste tree is multi-trunked woody plant that can reach 15 to 20 feet in height and 10 to 15 feet in width.
Chaste tree has compound leaves that consist of 5 to 7 lance-shaped leaflets with toothed edges. Leaves are dark green colored on the upper surface, grayish-colored on the bottom side and oppositely arranged on the branches.
Chaste tree produces showy flowers arranged in elongated, terminal clusters. Flowers can be white, pink, purple or blue-colored.
Chaste tree blooms from late spring to early autumn. Fragrant flowers attract butterflies, bumblebees and honeybees, which are responsible for the pollination of this plant.
Fruit of chaste tree is purple berry (known as "chasteberry") filled with 4 seed.
Flowers of chaste tree are excellent source of pollen and nectar and they are often used for the manufacture of honey.
Name "chaste tree" refers to the fact that this plant contains substances that decrease libido (person that consumes chasteberry stays "chaste"). Chaste tree is also known as "monk's pepper" because of the frequent usage of chasteberry in the control of sexual desire in the monasteries in the past.
Herbal remedies made of dried berries, leaves and flowers of chaste tree are used in treatment of Parkinson's disease, premenstrual disorder, arthritis, edema, coughing and to stimulate lactation in breast-feeding women.
Leaves and seed of chaste tree have been used in treatment of bites of snakes and spiders in the past.
Chaste tree can be used as insect repellent. Extract of this plant efficiently repels insect when it is applied on the skin.
Chaste tree has flexible wood and branches that can be used for the manufacture of baskets and furniture.
Chaste tree is often cultivated in gardens because of its ornamental morphology and pleasant smell that flowers and leaves emit. It is often used as a substitute for lilacs in areas with very warm climate.
Removal of the fade blossoms stimulates production of fresh flowers. Gardeners often use this method to keep chaste tree in bloom as long as possible.
Freezing temperatures and natural disasters can easily kill chaste tree. Luckily, entire plant can be quickly regenerated from the root.
Chaste tree is perennial plant with a lifespan of 15 to 40 years (depending on the climate).

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