Carnation Facts

Carnation Facts
Carnation is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Caryophyllaceae. There are over 300 varieties of carnations that can be found throughout the world. These plants originate from Europe and Asia. Carnations are cultivated at least 2000 years because of their beautiful flowers and intense fragrance. Carnations require well drained soil, enough moisture and direct sunlight for successful growth. According to the legend, first carnation was created from the tears of Virgin Mary when Christ was crucified. These flowers are symbol of labor movement and mother’s love in the most countries of the world. Carnations symbolize bad luck in France, where they are used mostly for the preparation of funeral bouquets.
Interesting Carnation Facts:
Carnation is herbaceous plant that can reach 31 inches in height.
Carnation has 6 inches long slender leaves. They are usually grayish or bluish green in color and covered with waxy substance.
Carnations produce either one or couple of flowers (up to 5) that are grouped in inflorescence. Flower contains both male (stamens) and female (pistil) reproductive organs.
Natural (original) color of the flower is purple-pink. Carnations in various shades of white, yellow, orange, red and green were created by humans. Most varieties of carnations were produced via selective breeding. Blue-mauve type of carnation was produced via genetic engineering.
White carnation will change its color after adding food coloring to the water. Flower will change its color after 24 hours.
Each color of carnation has specific meaning. White symbolizes purity, yellow - disappointment, pink - mother’s love, red - true love while purple symbolizes capriciousness.
Latin word for carnation is “Dianthus” which means “flower of the gods”.
Carnations were cultivated as garden flowers in the ancient Rome and Greece.
White carnations are inevitable part of wedding bouquets and bouquets prepared for the first wedding anniversary. Carnations are birth flowers for all people that are born in January. These flowers are often used as decoration for tuxedoes. Bouquets made of pink carnations are traditionally prepared for the Mother’s day.
Besides in bouquets, flowers of carnations can be used as food. They can be consumed in the form of salads or they can be used as decoration for cakes and other desserts.
Carnations are used as flavoring agents in the manufacture of beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages.
Colombia is the greatest producer of carnations in the world.
Carnations are national flowers of countries such as Monaco, Spain, Slovenia and Ohio. They are also used as a symbol of different fraternities and sororities.
Carnations can propagate via seeds and plant cuttings.
Carnations are perennial plants, which mean that they can live more than 2 years. Carnations also have long lifespan in the vase - they can remain fresh up to 14 days after removal from the ground.

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