Canada fleabane Facts

Canada fleabane Facts
Canada fleabane is herbaceous plant that belongs to the aster family. It originates from North and Central America. Canada fleabane has been introduced to Europe, Asia and Australia, where it grows in abundance today. It can be found on the meadows, in the gardens, wastelands and areas near the roads and railways. Canada fleabane grows on neutral or alkaline, sandy or loamy, well-drained soil, in areas that provide plenty of sunlight. Canada fleabane easily occupies arable lands and reduces yield of economically important crops (such as soybean). It is classified as noxious weed in many regions.
Interesting Canada fleabane Facts:
Canada fleabane has erect, leafy, hairy stem that is sparsely branched in the upper part of the plant. Stem can reach from few to 60 inches in height. Canada fleabane can grow to the height of nearly 118 inches when it is cultivated on very rich soil.
Canada fleabane is also known as mare's tail or horseweed because of its leafy stem which looks like a horse's tail.
Leaves of Canada fleabane are green colored. They grow in the form of rosette at the base of the plant and spirally along the stem. Leaves are small, linear and coarsely toothed on the edges.
Canada fleabane develops flower head on top of the flowering stem. Flower head consists of small yellow disk florets arranged centrally and white (or pale pink) petal-like ray florets located on the periphery. Canada fleabane produces flowers with both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers).
Canada fleabane blooms from June to October. Flowers attract bees and flies, which are responsible for the pollination of this plant.
Fruit of Canada fleabane is cypsela (type of dry fruit) filled with one seed.
Canada fleabane propagates via seed.
Young leaves and seedlings of Canada fleabane are edible. They need to be thermally processed or dried before consumption.
Leaves of Canada fleabane can be used as condiment. Essential oils obtained from leaves are used to improve flavor of various candies and soft drinks.
Canada fleabane can induce dermatitis when it gets in contact with skin of sensitive individuals.
Smell of burned Canada fleabane repels various insects.
Native Americans used crushed flowers of Canada fleabane to stimulate sneezing and relieve symptoms of common cold. Canada fleabane was also used to stop the bleeding and in treatment of rheumatism and gout.
Leaves and essential oils obtained from the leaves of Canada fleabane are used in herbal medicine today, usually in treatment of dysentery and diarrhea, bleeding hemorrhoids, inflamed tonsils and throat and to reduce increased blood sugar level. Root of Canada fleabane is used in treatment of menstrual irregularities.
Canada fleabane can be used for making friction fire (via hand drill method).
Canada fleabane completes its life cycle in one year (annual plant).

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