Broadleaf plantain Facts

Broadleaf plantain Facts
Broadleaf plantain is herbaceous plant that belongs to the plantain family. It originates from Europe and Asia, but it can be found in temperate areas around the world today. Broadleaf plantain grows in the fields, grasslands, near the roads and footpaths. It prefers disturbed habitats with poor, compacted soil. Broadleaf plantain easily occupies new habitats and prevents growth of native plant species in non-native regions (it has invasive nature). People use broadleaf plantain mostly in medical purposes.
Interesting Broadleaf plantain Facts:
Broadleaf plantain has erect, leafless stem that can reach up to 2 feet in height.
Broadleaf plantain has sturdy, broad, oval leaves arranged in the form of rosette close to the ground. Leaves have wavy margins and prominent parallel veins. They are hairless and dark green colored.
Broadleaf plantain produces miniature greenish-brown flowers arranged in the form of narrow, elongated spikes on top of the flowering stem. Unusual morphology of spikes is the reason why broadleaf plantain is also known as "rat's tail". Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (stamens are purple colored).
Broadleaf plantain blooms from June to September. Flowers are designed for the pollination by wind.
Fruit of broadleaf plantain is egg-shaped capsule filled with 5 to 16 small light brown seed. One plant can produce up to 20.000 seed per season.
Broadleaf plantain propagates via seed. It belongs to the group of self-sowing plants, which mean that it doesn't require external help for dispersal of seed.
Broadleaf plantain is rich source of vitamins A, C and K and minerals such as silica and calcium. Young leaves can be consumed in the form of salad or used for the preparation of stew. Ground seed can be used as a substitute for flour.
Juice squeezed from leaves of broadleaf plantain has antibacterial properties (kills bacteria). Leaves can be used in treatment of insect bites, sores, eczema, sunburns, bronchitis, cough, laryngitis and urinary tract infections. Root can alleviate symptoms of toothache, while seed aids in treatment of constipation and hypercholesterolemia.
Native Americans used broadleaf plantain in treatment of snake bites, rheumatism, ocular diseases and battle wounds.
Broadleaf plantain was used as a source of golden-bronze pigment for dyeing of wool in the past.
Broadleaf plantain has application in pharmaceutical industry. Starch obtained from broadleaf plantain is neutral, but important ingredient of various drugs.
Root system of broadleaf plantain consists of dense mass of rootlets that can stabilize soil and prevent erosion.
Some varieties of broadleaf plantain, such as those with purple and variegated leaves, are cultivated in ornamental purposes.
Mature broadleaf plantain is rich source of flexible fibers. These fibers can be used for the manufacture of small cords and fishing nets, especially in the survival situations.
Broadleaf plantain is perennial plant (lifespan: more than 2 years).

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