Nickel Facts

Nickel Facts
Nickel (Ni) has an atomic number of twenty-eight. This ferromagnetic member of the transition metal group is a silvery-white, highly polishable material.
Interesting Nickel Facts:
Pure nickel is rarely found on Earth.
Nickel's use by civilization's dates back to at least 3500 BC.
It was first discovered to be an element by Alex Fredrik Cronstedt in 1751.
Cronstedt originally thought he was working with copper when he discovered it.
Nickel is considered to be corrosion-resistant.
Roughly six percent of the world's nickel is used to nickel-plate objects to protect them from corrosion.
About sixty percent of the nickel mined today goes into alloy production, specifically nickel steels.
Nickel can be a skin allergen in some people, so iron replaced it in coins.
Some plants and microorganisms require amounts of nickel as a nutrient.
Along with iron, cobalt, and gadolinium, nickel is one of four elements that are magnetic at room temperature.
Above 355 degrees Celsius (the Curie temperature), nickel is no longer magnetic.
There are five stable isotopes of nickel.
Ni-58 is the most abundant of those isotopes, with more than 68% natural abundance.
There are eighteen known radioactive isotopes of nickel.
Ni-59 is the radioisotope that is most stable, with a half-life of around 76,000 years.
Many radioisotopes of nickel have half-lives of less than 30 seconds.
The half-life of Ni-78 has now been determined to be 110 milliseconds.
Nickel is especially useful in dating the age of meteorites.
Most of the Earth's nickel has been found to be in the outer and inner core of the planet.
The mid-eighteen hundreds saw nickel used for currency, originally with the Flying Eagle cent.
Switzerland and Canada have used coins that were nearly pure nickel.
Russia is the largest producer of nickel, mining about one-fifth of the market of the element.
Finland, Turkey, and Greece also have large nickel deposits.
Nickel can also be mined from large deposits on the ocean's floor.

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