Miguel Hidalgo Facts

Miguel Hidalgo Facts
Miguel Hidalgo was a Mexican Catholic priest who was a leader of the Mexican War of Independence, most famous for marking the start of the fight for Mexico's independence by ringing the church bell. He was born Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla on May 8th, 1753, to Ana Maria Gallaga, and Cristóbal Hidalgo y Costilla, a hacienda manager. At eight days of age Miguel Hidalgo was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church. Miguel and his brothers were well educated because their parents were well-off. Miguel and his brothers studied at Morelia, Michoacan until 1767, and then he enrolled at Colegio de San Nicolas to become a priest. After becoming a priest Miguel became involved with the fight to free Mexico from the Spanish that would ultimately help end the Spanish rule in the country.
Interesting Miguel Hidalgo Facts:
The Mexican state Hidalgo is named after Miguel Hidalgo.
Miguel became a priest at the age of 25 in 1778.
Miguel Hidalgo taught at Colegio de San Nicolas Obispo in Moreli from 1779 to 1792. He taught Latin grammar, and arts.
At the age of 39, in 1790, Miguel Hidalgo became the dean of Colegio de San Nicolas Obispo.
In 1792 Miguel Hidalgo was removed from the school because he was changing teaching methods.
Miguel Hidalgo became the parish priest on Dolores, Guanajuato after his brother Felipe died in 1802. Miguel had been working in two parishes in Colima and San Felipe Torres Mochas for the last decade, since he had been removed from the school.
Miguel Hidalgo did not follow the Roman Catholic church or the Spanish king's ideas as many would have liked at the time. Instead he had female companions who gave him children, and owned property, and took part in gambling and dancing.
Miguel Hidalgo had to appear in the Court of Inquisition because of his actions, but he was allowed to continue in Dolores. He spread his interests into a variety of fields of study.
Miguel Hidalgo began to work to help the poor become more self-sufficient and less dependent on the Spanish who ruled them.
In 1808 Miguel Hidalgo became the leader of the underground resistance to the Spanish.
Miguel Hidalgo feared he was about to be arrested by the Spanish, and held a mass on September 16th, 1810, calling for independence. This is known as 'Grito de Delores'.
The mass was the beginning of the fight for independence, and it resulted in the gathering of an army that began a fight through Mexico that became very violent.
Miguel Hidalgo's army of insurgents increased in size to more than 100,000, but by the time they reached Aculco deserters had decreased this number to 40,000.
Miguel Hidalgo's insurgent army continued to fight for Mexico's independence until 1821, but he was captured and executed by firing squad in 1811.
Miguel Hidalgo is considered to be Mexico's Father of the Nation.
Mexican Independence Day is celebrated on September 16th each year in honor of the beginning of Miguel Hidalgo's fight to help end the Spanish rule in Mexico.
A minor planet was named after Miguel Hidalgo called 944 Hidalgo.
There have been many efforts to honor Miguel Hidalgo including a statue, and coins, in addition to a variety of celebrations.

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