Yosemite toad Facts

Yosemite toad Facts
Yosemite toad is an amphibian that belongs to the family of true toads. It can be found only in the mountainous and sub-mountain region of Sierra Nevada, California. Yosemite toad inhabits wet meadows, flooded regions and areas near the ponds and lakes. It lives on the altitude of 5.000 to 11.000 feet. Number of Yosemite toads dropped for nearly 50% in the past few decades due to habitat destruction, traffic accidents, pollution of the air, climate changes and overgrazing. Yosemite toad is on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Yosemite toad Facts:
Yosemite toad can reach 3 inches in length. Females are larger than males.
Females and juveniles are grey, yellowish or brown colored and covered with numerous black spots and blotches with white or creamy edges. Males are yellow-green or greenish-brown colored and covered with small dark flecks. Tadpoles are black colored.
Yosemite toad spends its life on the ground. It can walk, crawl and jump.
Yosemite toad is diurnal animal (active during the day). It hides under the piles of rocks, fallen logs or in the underground burrows during the night.
Yosemite toad is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on ants, beetles, bees, wasps, flies and millipedes.
Yosemite toad is active only 4 to 5 months per year (usually from April, May to September). It hibernates the rest of the year.
Yosemite toad hibernates in the abandoned burrows of various rodents, dense thicket or in the clumps of vegetation that can be found near the water.
Yosemite toad has large round or oval parotid glands on the sides of the neck. These glands produce and secrete toxins that are used against predators.
Natural enemies of Yosemite toads are garter snakes, blackbirds, ravens, gulls, robins and large frogs.
Mating season of Yosemite toads starts early in the spring.
Males produce melodic calls during the mating season. These calls resemble the songs of spring songbirds. They are used to attract the females and to discourage other (competing) males.
Scientific name of Yosemite toad is "Bufo canorus". "Canorus" means "tuneful" and it refers to the melodic calls that can be heard during the mating season.
Female releases 1.500 to 2.000 eggs that male covers with sperm. Fertilized eggs are arranged in the form of long strings that look like black pearls. They hatch after 3 to 12 days. Tadpoles swim in the shallow pools made of melted ice during the next 7 to 9 weeks, until they complete metamorphosis into young toads.
Yosemite toad reach sexual maturity between the age of 3 to 6 years. These toads have low reproduction rate. Females lay eggs once every 2 to 4 years.
Yosemite toad can survive 12 (males) to 15 (females) years in the wild.

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