Oribi Facts

Oribi Facts
Oribi is an antelope that belongs to the bovid family. There are 13 subspecies of oribi that can be found in sub-Saharan Africa. Oribi inhabits open grasslands and floodplains. Habitat destruction and uncontrolled hunting (because of their meat) are major threats for the survival of oribis in the wild. Despite great reduction in the number of oribis in the past couple of years, only one subspecies is listed as vulnerable.
Interesting Oribi Facts:
Oribi can reach 45.4 inches in length and 33 to 44 pounds of weight. Females are slightly larger than males.
Oribi has yellowish or reddish-brown silky coat on the back. Chin, throat, breast, belly and rump are white colored. Unlike other antelopes, oribi has crescent-shaped white fur above the eyes.
Oribi has oval-shaped ears, elongated neck, slender legs and short, bushy tail. Males have small, pointed horns that are ringed at the base.
Oribi is active early in the morning and late in the afternoon. It rests during the hottest part of a day.
Oribi is herbivore (plant-eater). It consumes grass during the wet season and shrubs and leaves during the dry season. Oribi licks salts from the rocks to obtain all minerals that it needs.
Oribi hides from the predators in the tall grass. When predators approach close enough, oribi suddenly jumps out of its hiding place and tries to escape in a series of vertical leaps. Unusual jumping technique (with arched back and stiff legs) is known as "stotting". Oribi also produces shrill whistles when it is threatened.
Oribi can reach speed of 25 to 31 miles per hour when it needs to escape from the predators.
Natural enemies of oribis are leopards, lions, caracals, jackals, wild dogs, hyenas, crocodiles, pythons and eagles.
Oribi lives solitary life. It occasionally travels in pairs or small family groups made of usually 6 animals (one dominant males and few females with their offspring). Each group occupies territory of 25 to 100 hectares.
Males use glands near the eyes to mark their territories. Urine and piles of dung are used in the same purpose.
Oribis mate all year round (mating season reaches the peak during November and December). Most babies are born during the rainy season when food is abundant.
Pregnancy in females lasts 200 to 210 days and ends with one baby.
Baby remains hidden in the grass during the first 8 to 10 weeks of its life. After that period, it becomes ready to join the group with its mother. Young oribi depends on the mother's milk until the age of 4 to 5 months.
Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 10 months, males at the age of 14 months.
Oribi can survive up to 14 years in the captivity.

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