Lynx Facts

Lynx Facts
Lynx is a member of the cat family. There are four species of lynx: Spanish, Canadian, Eurasian lynx and the bobcat. They can be found in Europe, Asia and North America. Lynx live in forested areas on the north, well adapted to the life on very low temperature. Number of lynx is greatly reduced due to poaching (because of the fur that is highly appreciated in the fashion industry). Another threat, which affects survival of Spanish lynx, is lack of the natural prey (European rabbit) in the habitat. Besides Spanish lynx that is listed as critically endangered, remaining species are listed as threatened (they may become endangered in the near future).
Interesting Lynx Facts:
Size of lynx depends on the species. Eurasian lynx is larger than American species. On average, lynx can reach 32 to 40 inches in length and 4 to 8 inches in weight.
Body of lynx is covered with beautiful, thick fur. Color of the fur depends on the season. It is usually light brown during the summer and grey during the winter.
Whole body is covered with dark-colored dots. Ears are covered with white patches that end with black tufts.
These unique-looking tufts on the ears enhance hearing. Thanks to excellent sense of hearing, lynx can easily locate the prey.
Lynx has sharp vision, which is another important sense that is used for hunting. Lynx is able to detect a mouse from a distance of 250 feet.
Lynx is a carnivore (meat-eater). It usually hunts small mammals, such as snowshoe hare, mice and squirrels, and birds. Larger species of lynx often hunt bigger animals, such as deer.
Lynx is not a fast runner. Since it does not chase the prey, it hunts from an ambush and uses the element of surprise.
Lynx can easily move across the snow thanks to large, rounded feet that act like snowshoes.
Lynx have sharp claws that are used for hunting, climbing on the trees and for defense against predators.
Main predators of lynx are cougars, wolves, coyotes and humans.
Lynx is rarely seen in the nature because it is nocturnal (active during the night) animal. Besides, it is very cautious when it comes to people and other predators.
Lynx is very vocal animal. It can produce cat-like meows, purrs and hisses.
Lynx is a solitary creature. Animals gather only during the mating season that takes place late in the winter or early in the spring.
Pregnancy in females lasts two months and ends with 1 to 4 babies. Mother takes care of the babies on her own. Young lynx will learn all tricks and develop hunting skills beside its mother. It usually takes two years before it starts independent life.
Lynx can survive up to 14.5 years in the wild and over 25 years in captivity.

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