Kori bustard Facts

Kori bustard Facts
Kori bustard is large terrestrial bird that belongs to the family of bustards. This animal lives in eastern and southern parts of Africa. There are 2 subspecies of kori busters that differs in size, color and type of habitat where they can be found. Kori bustard prefers open areas such as grasslands and arid savannas. People hunt kori bustards because of their meat. Besides hunting, main factors that decrease number of kori bustards in the wild are habitat destruction and slow reproduction rate. Kori bustard is listed as nearly threatened animal, which means that it may become endangered in the near future.
Interesting Kori bustard Facts:
Kori bustards can reach 3 feet in height and 4 feet in length. Males usually weigh 30 to 40 pounds, and they are two times bigger than females.
Kori bustards are covered with white, black, grey and brown feathers. They have black crest on the top of a head.
Kori bustards have long necks and short bills. Their legs and feet are elongated and end with three fingers.
Kori bustards do not have preening gland which produces oily substance required for the cleaning of feathers. That's why kori bustards "bath" in the sun and dust to keep their feathers clean from the parasites.
Kori bustards are able to fly, but they spend most of the time on the ground. These birds will leave the ground only to escape from the predators. Kori bustards (males) are the heaviest flying birds on the planet.
Kori bustards often walk near the zebras, antelopes and other animals that are gathered in herds to find food.
Kori bustards are diurnal animals (active during the day).
Kori bustards are omnivores (they eat both plants and animals). Their diet is mostly based on insects, snakes, lizards and small mammals. They occasionally consume berries and seeds.
Unlike most birds that scoop water with their bills, kori bustards drink water via sucking motion.
Kori bustards are not migratory birds. They will leave their home ground only when water and food sources become scarce.
Mating season takes place once per year and it lasts 23 to 30 days. Males produce booming sound, inflate their necks, expose tail feathers and clap with their bills to attract females.
Males mate with lots of females, but only females take care of the eggs and young chicks.
Female lays 1 - 2 eggs in a shallow depression in the ground. Incubation lasts 23 to 24 days. Chicks will start to follow their mother few hours after hatching.
Five weeks after hatching, young birds are ready for independent life. Kori bustards reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years.
Kori bustards can survive up to 30 years in the captivity.

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