King penguin Facts

King penguin Facts
King penguin is the second largest species of penguin (emperor penguin is the largest). It can be found on various Sub-Antarctic islands. There are two subspecies of king penguin, one restricted to the islands of South Georgia and Falkland islands, and the other in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific. King penguin spends part of its life in the water, where it collects food, and the second part on the beaches and flat or slightly sloped valleys without ice and snow, where it rests, mates and takes care of the chicks. King penguin is numerous and widespread in the wild despite climate changes and human activities on the islands.
Interesting King penguin Facts:
King penguin can reach 3.1 feet in height and 33 pounds of weight.
King penguin has dark grey or black plumage on the head and back, and white plumage on the belly. It has prominent dark yellow or orange-colored markings on both sides of the head, and orange-colored plumage on the upper part of the chest.
King penguin had elongated, black and dark yellow bill, slender body, stiff, flat wings and webbed feet. Its pupils change shape from circular to square-shaped when they constrict.
King penguin likes to eat fish (such as lantern fish), squid and krill.
King penguin usually dives to a depth of 160 feet (occasionally up to 1600 feet) to collect food. It can spend 5 minutes under the water.
An average swimming speed of king penguin is 4 to 6 miles per hour. King penguin walks slowly on the solid ground.
Natural enemies of adult birds are leopard seal, killer whales and large sharks, while skua preys on chicks and eggs.
King penguin lives in large colonies.
Mating season of king penguins takes place either in November or January (early and late breeders). Males produce trumpet-like sound to attract females.
Formed couples last only one season. King penguins produce 1 chick every 2 years or 2 chicks every 3 years.
King penguins do not create nest. Female lays one egg that is kept on the feet of both parents during the entire period of incubation (55 days). Both male and female use brood patch (flap of skin on the abdomen) to warm the egg.
Chick remains on the feet of its parents until the age of 30 to 40 days. Parents provide food for the young king penguin until the age of 13 months.
Juvenile birds appear larger than adults because of their thick, woolly, brown down. They were often considered separate species, known as "woolly penguins", by the early explorers.
King penguins reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 to 5 years.
King penguin can survive 15 to 20 years in the wild and 30 years in the captivity.

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