Gray mouse lemur Facts

Gray mouse lemur Facts
Gray mouse lemur is one of the smallest primate in the world. It belongs to the family Cheirogaleidae. Gray mouse lemur is endemic species for Madagascar (it cannot be found anywhere else in the world). It inhabits tropical dry or semi-humid deciduous forests. Major threats for the survival of gray mouse lemur are habitat loss (as a result of deforestation) and uncontrolled collecting from the wild (due to pet trade). Luckily, gray mouse lemur tolerates habitat destruction much better than other species of lemur and it is still widespread and numerous in the wild (it is not on the list of endangered species).
Interesting Gray mouse lemur Facts:
Gray mouse lemur can reach 9.8 to 11 inches in length and 2 to 2.4 ounces of weight.
Gray mouse lemur has soft fur that can be light or dark grey in color, with a tinge of red on the back.
Gray mouse lemur has round face, short nose, large eyes and ears, small body, long hind legs and long, thin tail. Name "grey mouse lemur" refers to the small size and mouse-like appearance of this species.
Gray mouse lemur spends its entire life on the trees (arboreal animal).
Gray mouse lemur is active during the night (nocturnal). It sleeps in the groups, high in the trees, during the day.
Gray mouse lemur has excellent night vision and good sense of smell, which are used to facilitate detection of food and predators.
Gray mouse lemur is an omnivore. Its diet is based on the insects, small rodents, nuts, fruit, shoots and nectar from the flowers.
Unlike other species of lemur, gray mouse lemur doesn't live in family groups. It travels and collects food on its own.
Gray mouse lemur occupies area of 5 acres and builds nests in the tree holes. It uses urine and feces to mark the borders of its territory. Grey mouse lemur frequently moves from one tree to another (usually every 5 days) to mask its smell and escape from the predators.
Natural enemies of gray mouse lemurs are eagles, owls, fossa, ring-tailed mongoose and snakes.
Unlike other primates, gray mouse lemur undergoes seasonal torpor (period of dormancy) during the dry period of year from April/May to September/October, when food is scarce. It uses fat (stored in the hind legs and tail) as a source of energy during this period.
Mating season of gray mouse lemurs takes place during September and October.
Pregnancy lasts 60 days and ends with 2 to 3 babies. Babies depend on the mother's milk until the age of 2 months. After that period, they become ready for the independent life.
Gray mouse lemurs reach sexual maturity at the age of 12 months.
Gray mouse lemur can survive 3 to 8 years in the wild and 10 to 15 years in the captivity.

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