Fur seal Facts

Fur seal Facts
Fur seal is marine mammal that belongs to the family of eared seals. There is single species of northern fur seal that can be found in the northern parts of the Pacific ocean and 8 species of southern fur seal that inhabit southern hemisphere. Northern fur seal was frequently on a target of hunters during the 18th and 19th century because of its fur. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became officially protected by law. Even though northern fur seal is numerous and widespread in the wild today, its future (as well as the future of other fur seals) is still uncertain because of the climate changes and lack of food (due to overfishing).
Interesting Fur seal Facts:
Fur seal can reach 4 to 10 feet in length and up to 700 pounds of weight. Males are nearly 5 times larger than females. Southern species of fur seal are smaller than northern species.
Fur seal has very thick, reddish brown, brownish gray or black fur. Females of some species have light-colored fur on the front side of the body.
Fur seal has small ears, long, muscular front flippers and stocky body.
Fur seal spends most of its time on the sea where it collects food and sleeps (usually on the back while it floats on the surface of the sea). When it is on the solid ground, fur seal uses its flippers for walking.
Fur seal has sharp eyesight and excellent sense of hearing. Whiskers on the face facilitate detection of food in the murky waters.
Fur seal is a carnivore. Its diet is based on fish (such as herring, mackerel, anchovies and salmon), squids, krill and birds.
Fur seal can swim alone or as a part of a group.
Natural enemies of fur seal are killer whales, sea lions and sharks.
Fur seals gather in very large numbers at the shores and rocky outcrops during the mating season, which takes place during the summer.
Males fight with one another to establish dominance and to protect their territories and harems of up to 40 females.
Males do not eat during the mating season and they usually loose around 20% of their body weight during this period.
Pregnancy lasts 11 to 12 months ends with a single baby (pup). Females regularly return to the sea to eat during the nursing period.
Females can easily recognize their babies thanks to the specific calls they produce. They are even able to find their offspring after four years of separation.
Pups are born at the beginning of the mating season. Few days later, females become ready to mate again. Pregnant females return to the sea and start cycle all over again.
Fur seal can survive from 12 to 30 years in the wild, depending on the species.

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