Common sandpiper Facts

Common sandpiper Facts
Common sandpiper is a type of shorebird that belongs to the sandpiper family. It can be found in temperate and subtropical parts of Europe and Asia. Common sandpiper inhabits mangroves, estuaries, rice fields and areas near the rivers, ponds and lakes. Climate changes and habitat destruction are the greatest threats for the survival of common sandpipers in the wild. Despite these factors, common sandpipers are widespread and numerous in all parts of their range (they are not on the list of endangered species).
Interesting Common sandpiper Facts:
Common sandpiper can reach 7.5 to 8.25 inches in length and 1.5 to 2.5 ounces of weight. Females are slightly larger than males.
Upper parts of the body (head, back and upper part of the chest) are covered with grayish-brown plumage and dark streaks. Bottom side of the body is white colored. Wings have prominent white bar that is visible only during the flight.
Common sandpiper has long, straight bill, small body and short legs.
Common sandpiper spends a lot of time on the ground. Its head and rear part of the body are constantly bobbing while it walks or feeds on the ground. This unusual behavior is known "teetering".
Common sandpiper has stiff-winged style of flying. Its flight consists of rapid, shallow wing beats combined with short glides. Common sandpiper often flies close to the ground or surface of the water.
Common sandpiper is diurnal bird (active during the day).
Common sandpiper is an omnivore (it eats both plants and meat). Its diet consists of insects, spiders, crustaceans, worms, tadpoles, frogs and seed.
Common sandpiper collects food from the surface of the ground. It usually searches food on the sandy, pebbly and rocky edges of the rivers and nearby grasslands and meadows. Common sandpiper cuts its prey in smaller pieces before it swallows it.
Common sandpiper forages alone or in small groups, but it roosts in groups of 30 to 100 birds during the night.
Common sandpiper is migratory bird. It travels to the wintering grounds in small flocks during the night. Mature birds often leave breeding ground before young birds.
Common sandpiper produces loud "twee-wee-wee" crying calls during the flight. Its song consists of rapid, high-pitched "titti-weeti, titti-weeti" tones.
Mating season of sandpipers takes place from April/May to June/July. Common sandpipers mate with only one partner during the breeding season (monogamous birds).
Female lays 3 to 5 eggs in the shallow depression in the ground near the water. Both parents participate in the incubation of eggs which lasts 21 to 22 days.
Both parents take care of their chicks, although mother commonly leaves her chicks before they fledge, at the age of 22 to 28 days.
Common sandpiper can survive up to 12 years in the wild.

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