Commerson's dolphin Facts

Commerson's dolphin Facts
Commerson's dolphin is one of the smallest species of dolphins. There are two subspecies of Commerson's dolphin that can be found on the southern coast of South America and around Kerguelen Islands. Commerson's dolphin spends most of its time in the shallow water and it can be often seen in the bays or near the harbors. Number of Commerson's dolphins decreased in the wild due to pollution of the ocean, by-catch (they end up trapped in the fishing nets) and as a result of increased boat traffic. People hunt Commerson's dolphins because of their meat, skin and oil. Commerson't dolphin is threatened species (it may become endangered in the near future).
Interesting Commerson's dolphin Facts:
Commerson's dolphin is small animal that can reach 4 to 5 ½ feet in length and 75 to 130 pounds in weight. Females are larger than males.
Head, fins, flippers and rear part of Commerson's dolphin are black. Other parts of the body are white. These animals are sometimes called skunk or panda dolphins because of the specific coloration of the body.
Commerson's dolphin has stocky body, unnoticeable beak and rounded flippers.
Commerson's dolphin has 29 to 30 teeth on the each side of lower and upper jaw (they have 116 to 120 teeth in total).
Commerson's dolphin can swim at the speed of 7-8 miles per hour. It often leaps out of the water and spins in the air.
Commerson's dolphin is playful species that likes to ride on the waves behind the boats. It sometimes swims upside down.
Diet of Commerson's dolphin includes various types of fish, crustaceans, octopuses and squids. Algae can be on the menu also.
Commerson's dolphin has fast metabolism and big appetite. It eats 10% of its own weight every day.
Commerson's dolphin can live solitary life or be part of the group (called pod). Groups usually consist of 15 members.
Commerson's dolphin often hunts cooperatively. They gather fish in tight groups and catch their next meal by passing through these concentrated masses of fish. Commerson's dolphins rely on the sense of hearing when they search for food.
Commerson's dolphins are migratory species that follow fish from cold to warm waters during the winter period.
Mating season of Commerson's dolphin takes place from September to February.
Pregnancy in females lasts 12 months and ends with one baby (calf). Calves are tiny at birth. They have 21 to 25 inches in length and 10 to 12 pounds of weight. Baby dolphins depend on the mother's milk during the first 4 months of their life.
Commerson's dolphin reaches sexual maturity at the age of 5 to 8 years.
Commerson's dolphin can survive 10 years in the wild and up to 18 years in captivity.

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