Bobcat Facts

Bobcat Facts
Bobcat is close relative of lynx. It can be distinguished from lynx by smaller body size, shorter ear tuffs and pale colors on the tail. There are 13 subspecies of bobcat that can be found across North America (from Canada to Mexico). Bobcat inhabits forests, mountains, deserts, rocky and swampy areas. It can be also found near the human settlements. Bobcats are on a target of hunters because of their beautiful fur. Besides hunting, bobcats are threatened by habitat loss, diseases and traffic accidents. Despite all these factors, wild population of bobcats is still large and these animals are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Bobcat Facts:
Bobcat can reach 17 to 23 inches of height at the shoulder, 25 to 41 inches of length and 10 to 28 pounds of weight. Males are larger than females.
Bobcat is covered with orange, grey or brown fur. Black stripes and dots can be seen all over the body. Cheeks are covered with long hair. Bottom part of tail is light. Top of the tail and ear tuffs are black.
Bobcat is named after short (2 to 8 inches long) bobbed tail.
Bobcats have keen eyesight and excellent sense of smell and hearing. They are agile climbers and proficient swimmers.
Bobcats are crepuscular animals (active at dusk and dawn).
Bobcats are carnivores (meat-eaters). They prefer rabbits, but their diet also includes rodents, birds, lizards, snakes and carrion. During the winter, bobcats hunt larger prey, such as deer.
Bobcats are ambush predators. They stalk and hunt their prey using the element of surprise.
Main predators of bobcats are mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, grey wolves, birds of prey and humans.
Bobcats produce loud growls and snarls. Screams and hisses can be heard during the mating season.
Bobcats are solitary and territorial animals. Males occupy territories of 25 to 30 square miles. Females live on a territory of 5 square miles. They leave scratch marks on the trees and use urine, feces and scent to mark their territories.
Bobcats live in dens. They have one main den and couple of auxiliary shelters on their territory. Bobcats usually occupy caves and rocky shelters, hollow logs and fallen trees.
Mating season usually takes place from February to March.
Pregnancy in females lasts 50 to 70 days and ends with 1 to 6 kittens. Female gives birth in a well hidden den, usually in the small caves. Kittens are miniature at birth (10 to 12 ounces of weight) and depend on the mother’s milk during the first 12 weeks of their life.
Young bobcats start to hunt at the age of 5 months. They are ready to leave their mother at the age of 8 to 11 months. Bobcats reach sexual maturity 1 to 2 years after birth.
Bobcats can survive 12 to 13 years in the wild.

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