African linsang Facts

African linsang Facts
African linsang, also known as oyan, is a mammal that belongs to the civet family. It can be found in West Africa. African linsang inhabits lowland and mountain forests and rainforests on the altitude from 980 to 3.100 feet. People hunt African linsangs because of their fur and meat. They are also threatened by habitat destruction as a result of mining, accelerated development of agriculture and deforestation. Despite these factors, population of African linsang is still large and stable and these animals are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting African linsang Facts:
African linsang can reach 13 to 17 inches in length and 1 to 1.5 pounds of weight.
African linsang is covered with light yellow (rarely brown or grayish) fur. Dorsal side of the body is covered with oval-shaped markings, arranged in 4 to 5 irregular rows. These spots merge and form stripes on the shoulders. Belly is creamy white. Tail is covered with 10 to 14 black rings. Males and females look alike.
African linsang has narrow head, pointed muzzle and triangular ears. It has slender, cat-like body and long, cylindrical tail.
Front feet of African linsang are shorter than hind legs. 5 toes on each foot are equipped with sharp, curved, retractable claws (they can be hidden inside the paws). Soles of feet are covered with fur.
African linsang has 38 teeth. Canines are slender and molars are small. Last molar in the upper jaw is missing.
African linsang can be distinguished from the similar looking creature called genet by perineal gland (that is absent in genet), stripes on the shoulders (they can be seen only in African linsangs), and number of teeth (genet has 40 teeth).
African linsang is nocturnal creature (active during the night).
African linsang is an arboreal animal (adapted to the life in the trees).
African linsang rests in the nests in the trees, usually 6.6 feet above the ground. Each nest is used only short period of time, because African linsang often moves and changes location.
African linsang is an omnivore (it eats plants and meat). Its diet is based on insects, small birds, fruit, nuts, seed, leaves and grains.
Potential predators of African linsangs are owls, large snakes and large carnivores. Humans are the only documented predators of this species.
African linsang lives solitary life or spends life with partner. It communicates mostly via olfactory cues (via various substances that body releases).
Little is known about reproductive behavior and mating season of African linsangs, except that females breastfeed their young during October.
Female produces one or two litters per year. Each litter consists of 2 to 3 babies that are naked and blind at birth.
African linsang can survive around 5 years in the wild and in the captivity.

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