Your vs. You're

Your vs. You're

Your and you're are two words that are very often confused. In fact, you can typically find these words used incorrectly in various advertisements and print media. The correct usage of these words is easily understood if you just take a little time to think about them.

Your is a possessive pronoun. It shows ownership.

1. Your shoes are really cool; where did you get them?

2. I found this notebook on the floor of the school bus, and I am wondering if it is yours?

3. Jessica, I really love your mom's spaghetti!

4. If you finish your homework, you will be able to play basketball with us.

You're is a contraction made up of two words-"you are". Remember that when we make a contraction, we push two words together to make one and we use an apostrophe to show where letters have been left out.

1. You're my best friend.

2. I am not sure you're aware, but your pancakes are starting to burn.

3. If you're coming with us, you need to get your shoes on.

4. When you're finished with the assignment, put it in the box.

While these words are easily confused, a little thought about how to use them goes a long way. Are you trying to show possession, or do you mean "you are"?

If you're unsure of which word to use, use your brain!

When you use your brain, you can avoid making an embarrassing mistake with these words!

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