Amphibians vs. Reptiles

Amphibians vs. Reptiles

Amphibians and reptiles are both classes of living things that are cold-blooded and have backbones.

Amphibians begin life in water and later mature on land. They are cold-blooded vertebrates, consisting mainly of frogs, toads, and salamanders. Amphibians begin life breathing water through gills, and grow to breathe air through lungs. They are found living in the wild worldwide, especially in tropical areas. The term "amphibious" can also be applied to a vehicle that functions on land or air as well as in water.

Reptiles are cold-blooded, have a backbone, lay eggs, are covered in scales, and breathe air through lungs. They generally have short legs and long tails. Because they are cold-blooded, they usually live in warm climates or hibernate during winter months. Some of the earliest-known reptiles were dinosaurs. Modern reptiles include crocodiles, snakes, lizards, and turtles.

The primary distinguishing feature between amphibians and reptiles is the ability of an amphibian to sustain life underwater for at least part of its life. Amphibians are smoother and moister than reptiles, which are dry and scaly, and need to live close to a water source.

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