Acclimation vs. Acclamation

Acclimation vs. Acclamation

These two words-acclimation and acclamation-only differ by one letter in their spelling. However, that one letter makes all the difference in their meanings! Let's explore how these two words are used.

Acclimation is a noun that means the process of getting accustomed to or used to something. Typically, acclimation has to do with the process of getting used to a certain climate or environment, but it can also be used to refer to a state of being accustomed to a specific type of situation.

1. Jane's acclimation to her new school was easier because of her new friend Jesse.

2. The acclimation of the organism to a colder environment was necessary for its survival.

3. My acclimation to the humidity of the environment has resulted from my living in the South for 10 years.

Acclamation is a noun that means resounding approval or honor of someone or something.

1. The new horror movie opened to acclamation from moviegoers and critics alike.

2. The coach gave a shout of acclamation when the team won the game.

3. The congressman's speech was met with cheers of acclamation from the crowd.

So, in summary, acclimation and acclamation mean very different things, though they sound and look nearly identical. Acclimation has to do with the process of growing accustomed to a situation or environment. Acclamation has to do with approval and honor. So, be sure to use these words correctly and you will receive acclamation from your peers!

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